12 Ways to Improve your Painting
Jul 01, 2023I have come up with a list of 12 ways that you can improve your painting. This list is in no way exhaustive, but I hope you can gain some insights and take away at least one new principle you can use in your art!
Invest in Quality Supplies
- Invest in Quality Supplies
It's easy to think that you can get by with cheap brushes and paints, but this is one area where it's worth spending a bit more money. The right brush will make your painting experience so much more enjoyable, and it will last longer than cheaper ones too! Similarly, using high-quality paints means you won't have to keep repainting over areas that didn't turn out quite right--they're just better all around! - Choose the Best Canvas/Paper for Your Needs
When choosing canvas or paper for your next project, consider what kind of look you want for your finished product: if it's going on display at home then go for something bright; if it'll be used as part of an art installation then choose something darker in tone (or even black!).
Understand Color Theory
Understanding color theory is essential to creating great paintings. When you understand how colors work together, you can use them in new and exciting ways that will make your paintings stand out from the crowd.
The first step is learning about color wheel harmony. The most basic type of harmony is complementary colors: red and green, blue and orange, yellow and violet (purple). used in landscape painting because they're so striking when placed next to each other on a canvas! A more complex type of harmony involves using analogous or triadic harmonies--these involve placing three different hues next to one another on the wheel (for example: red-orange-yellow or blue-green-violet). There are also split complements--which pair up two opposing colors with their complements on either side of them--and tetradic harmonies where four different hues are placed together in groups of two pairs at 90 degree angles from each other around a central point on the wheel (for example: yellow/blue; red/violet).
Practice Basic Techniques
- Learn about the fundamentals of painting.
- Study composition, perspective, light and shade and brush strokes.
- Try to paint what you see in front of you rather than copying another artist's work.
Experiment With Different Mediums
- Try a few different mediums.
- Watercolors, acrylics and oils are all great ways to paint. Experiment with each of these mediums and see which one you enjoy most.
Start Small and Simple
- Start small and simple.
- If you're just starting out, it can be daunting to take on a large project. So, why not start with something smaller? A still life or landscape painting is an excellent choice--they're easy enough to complete in one sitting and will give you a chance to practice your skills before moving on to more complicated subjects like portraits or animals.
Take Classes or Workshops
- Take classes or workshops, how about mine! If you're serious about getting better at painting, it's worth investing in some instruction from an experienced artist. There are lots of local art classes and online workshops that can help improve your skills, whether it's learning how to paint landscapes or portraits.
- Join a community of artists who support each other's work by sharing their own paintings on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook groups dedicated to artists' work (and even meet-ups). Join my private FB group Abstract Academy.
Join a Painting Group
- Join a Painting Group
If you're looking to improve your painting, one of the best ways to do so is by getting feedback from other artists. Joining an art group or meetup can help you find like-minded people who are interested in sharing their work and learning from each other. You also able to learn from their experiences as well as gain inspiration from their artwork!
Set Goals and Track Progress
- Set Goals and Track Progress
Setting goals is a great way to stay motivated, but it's also important to track your progress over time so you can see how far you've come. If you're working on a project and want to improve your painting skills, try keeping a journal of what works for the piece and what doesn't work for the piece. This will help keep all of your ideas organized so that when it comes time for revisions later on in the process, there won't be any confusion about what needs fixing or improving upon
Learn From Other Artists
- Study the work of other artists and find inspiration in their techniques.
- Try out new styles, but don't get too hung up on it. If you're not happy with the results, scrap it and try something else!
Take Breaks and Reflection
Taking breaks and reflecting on your work are two of the most important things you can do to improve as a painter.
Take a break every eyes start to get tired. Close your eyes and rest them for 5 minutes or so before returning to the canvas with fresh eyes. This will help prevent eye strain, which can lead to headaches and blurred vision if not treated early enough!
When taking breaks, it's also important to step back from your painting and look at it with fresh eyes (no pun intended). You may notice areas that need improvement or areas where you could use more detail or color variation--the latter being especially important if you're trying out different techniques like watercolor washes over acrylics!
Participate in Challenges
- Participate in Challenges
Challenges are a great way to keep yourself motivated and inspired. They can take many forms, from painting a certain subject matter or style, to participating in an art exchange with other artists. You can find challenges by searching online or joining groups on Facebook that host them regularly.
Have Fun and Enjoy the Process
Why do you paint? It's a question worth asking yourself when you're in the middle of creating something. If your answer is "to make money," then maybe it's time to reconsider your career path.
If you want to be an artist, then enjoy the process and have fun with your artwork! Don't worry about what other people think of your work--they're not going to buy it anyway (unless they're also artists).
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