12 Ways to Improve your Painting

I have come up with a list of 12 ways that you can improve your painting. This list is in no way exhaustive, but I hope you can gain some insights and take away at least one new principle you can...

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5 Ways that an Art Retreat can Reinvigorate your Art

An art retreat is a getaway where you can focus on your creative side. It's a time to unplug from the world and immerse yourself in art, whether it be painting, drawing or sculpting. You'll have...

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5 Strategies for Selling Abstract Art abstract painting sell your art

Abstract art is a unique and powerful form of expression that can be difficult to sell. Unlike representational art, abstract art doesn't always have an obvious subject or story, which can make it...

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What is Abstract Art and How do you Create It? abstract painting inspiration

Many people ask me what abstract art is. How would you describe it? Abstract art is a style of painting and sculpture in which the artist uses shapes, colors and forms to create a composition that...

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Using Colors and our Intentions as a Tool in our Art and our Lives inspiration

Why are our intentions and examining our mindset important? If you ask most professional artists (be it writers, performing artists, musicians) they will all tell you that mindset matters....

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The TOP 5 Reasons to Go on an Art Retreat inspiration

Have you ever considered going on an art retreat? Better yet, as an artist do you know what an art retreat even is? Artist retreats are breaks from our everyday life that allow creatives to...

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Top 2 Tips to Make your Abstract Landscape more Abstract. Hint, Paint over your Art! abstract painting inspiration

I have this painting shown above that I created. Would you believe that I painted over this piece? Why would I go through all of that work and then paint over it?

Great question.

The painting is...

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Art and Attitude are Connected inspiration

Have you ever taken a moment to reflect that our art and our attitude are connected? Think about this for a second and let me take you through my thoughts and feelings on this subject.

Before you...

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What Are Lines, Values, Shapes, Colors, and Textures in Art? abstract painting inspiration

As a new artistic there are many terms that are thrown around that are helpful to know right off the bat. Have you ever asked yourself what are lines, values, shapes, textures, and color in art?


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How to Keep your Artistic Workspace Clean and Sacred abstract painting inspiration

Creating a sacred space to paint and create in is part of the artistic process, have you paused to think about it?

For many of us, we may not have the luxury of a separate studio or even a small...

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Artistic Truth: Attitude and Art ARE Connected inspiration

artist standing in front of easel painting blue abstract painting

This post is dedicated to the artist’s out there that are just beginning their journey. There is an artistic truth that sometimes is overlooked or not even recognized and that is, your...

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The Most Commonly Asked Questions in Abstract Art Answered!

Have you had a ton of questions about abstract painting? The definition of abstract art is; art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead uses...

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